Sunday, August 2, 2009

Home in Harrisburg...

New Hampshire was wonderful!!!!!! Seriously one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The car ride back was alright. Mad props to C.Dubs for being a driving pro. We got stuck in "wicked" traffic all through Connecticut. I feel like everyone who lives there is just always trying to escape it.  Also... my mom took me to Ritas for italian ice and we bonded at the dog park with Trey. I went to 3B's Ice Cream with Noelle, Sara, Emily, Sarah Zig, and Kaity Black. Emmy was working and jumped through the window to hug me (it's kinda become a tradition now.) Now I'm extremely beat, so off to bed for me. I'll post more about NH later...
Connecticut: The Devil's State...


  1. is this pretty little girl in the top photo your girlfriend??

  2. nope. just a very good friend. she'll be very happy you thought that though. =]
