It has become a family tradition among my siblings and I that at various times throughout the year we take these late night fast food trips in order to strengthen our sibling bonds. We call these late night jaunts: Mcflurry Runs...
(even though it can take place at any fast food locale... with Wendys or McDonalds being the usual because of shear convenience)
Tonight Laur and I rounded up the puppy and headed out to get ourselves some late night conversation with a side of calorie infested clogged arteries...
Our order included:
1-Small Blue Poweraide
2-MnM McFlurries (one for Mike)
2- Crispy Ranch Snack Wraps
1- Grilled Honey Mustard Snack Wrap
For a grand total of $11.81
(Kind of a rip off... but then again, you can't really put a price on quality time.)

Here's a video of Laur and I crankin the late night tunes as we make sure we have everything we ordered....
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